Instructional Designer at University of Limerick

Instructional Designer at University of Limerick (2023-2024)


I recently completed a ten-month contract as an Instructional Designer at University of Limerick, as part of the Brightspace Project Team. The project involved the implementation of Brightspace as the new Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) across the campus, and migration of content from the previously used VLEs, Moodle and Sulis.

The Role

I worked closely with the Faculty of Education and Health Sciences (EHS), and my responsibilities included the following:

  • Developing and implementing effective online course materials and migrate content from other VLEs, Moodle and Sulis.
  • Providing one-to-one training and ongoing support to lecturers in utilising the Brightspace VLE, enhancing their digital teaching competencies.
  • Writing “how-to” and “step-by-step” guides and producing instructional videos for the Brightspace Knowledgebase, to help lecturers accomplish their tasks using the VLE.

I enjoyed the role immensely as it allowed me to use and develop my Instructional Design skills and Teaching and Learning knowledge. It was very satisfying working with SMEs and lecturers to help them bring their content into the new system. The role finished at the end of April 2024.

⭐️ Portfolio ⭐️

Example Articles

The below articles are how-to guides I wrote and contributed to the University of Limerick Brightspace VLE Knowledgebase:

Example Video

Skills + Tools

  • Instructional Design, Teaching and Learning, One-to-One Training, Virtual Learning Environments, Learning Management Systems, Video Editing, Technical Writing and Communication, Working With SMEs, Online Collaboration, Remote Working.
  • Brightspace VLE/LMS, Panopto Video, Microsoft Teams, Microsoft 365, Canva, Snagit Screen Capture, Camtasia Video.