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My name is Conor O’Mahony and this is my blog and portfolio relating to Instructional Design, Teaching and Learning, and Learning Technology.

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Latest Posts

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    Postgraduate Certificate in Teaching and Learning (2022-2023)

    While working as an Anatomy Demonstrator at University College Cork, I completed the Postgraduate Certificate in Teaching and Learning. […Read More…]

    PG Certificate in Teaching and Learning

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    Demonstrator in Dept. of Anatomy and Neuroscience (2020-2023)

    After completing my MSc in Human Anatomy at UCC, which had a strong focus on the teaching of anatomy, I started working as a Demonstrator in the Department of Anatomy and Neuroscience. […Read More…]

    Labelled image for Spot Exam on Canvas LMS.

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    Workshop for Canvas LMS + Panopto (2023)

    In January 2023, I conducted a virtual workshop on MS Teams for the Department of Anatomy and Neuroscience at UCC, to show new part-time lecturers how to use Panopto to record video content and make it accessible in course areas on Canvas LMS. […Read More…]

    Canvas and Panopto Workshop on MS Teams

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    Augmented Reality (AR) Research Project (2022)

    In 2022, I proposed and assisted in the supervision of an MSc. student project to investigate the use of Augmented Reality (AR) during anatomy practicals in the Department of Anatomy and Neuroscience FLAME lab. […Read More…]

    iPad showing Complete Anatomy App in Augmented Reality mode

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    Microsoft SharePoint Library App (2022)

    As part of my role as a Demonstrator in the Department of Anatomy and Neuroscience in University College Cork, I was involved in a project to photograph anatomy material and edit images for lecturers to use as part of online assessment on Canvas LMS. […Read More…]

    Screenshot Of Sharepoint App Showing Searchable Lecturer Resources